Saturday, November 22, 2008

Time is Money!

time is money... not about cash, cash & cash... but our planning also is money...
do u think when u planning something to do u save your time?
how?.... great question!
Plan for tomorrow save time for tomorrow!
u take 5 minute for plan today & tomorrow u wake up u have a schedule & then just do... no need to waste your time ask " nak buat ape yer" then u say "takde kerje... relaks jer lah..."
but truly u have a lot thing to do... then when come next week u forget to important think... everything must done... so.. caca- marba lah.... u don't know what the 1st important to settle... u know... success people planning thier life for the next 10 years...! crazy? not crazy lah friend...
most people in malaysia culture planing their life for fail....
hallo friend... "macam mane malaysia nak maju?" I give u example lah... Dr. M plan for next 10 years...he hold Prime Minister 2 decade... 10 years he plan for manage economy... 10years plan to build malaysia... kalu tak... tak naik lah KLCC building...

malay yang sia-sia...?
or malay yang mempunyai siasah negara no1 terbaik didunia.....
U choose lah friend!

1 comment:

Izanis Fuad said...


time is priceless. you cant even buy it with million of gold!

it is real that we are too lazy to do something immediately.

dont think harder...

just think what u've done best today...

and feel the satisfaction...WOW!